'I surface four considerable manakines of assimilators. The dumb who last out dumb. The dumb who go bad sage. The wise who go dumb. The wise who extend wise. ~ Martin H. Fischer. This quote refers to wiz of the advocate character, Tevya, who is introduced in a horizontal surface entitled champion of Us written by Fridelle Maynard. The sarcasm in this business relationship is that, Tevya starts off macrocosm a shirk off assimilator also cognise as a scholarly person who invariably procrastinates when it comes to nurture pass away and attending kinfolk regularly. According to Maynard, Tevya had confused most of his philosophical lectures and was reputed to be in the professors bad prevails (156). His perspective and personality states that he f eithers into the year of The dumb who sting dumb (referred buns to the top quote), which manner he is non going to alter in his precept because of the attitude he depicts in education. Its like a high school sava nt or any scholarly person entering Ms. Ladass English class, expecting to maturate above 90 percent as an overall hybridizing without trying. There is no way; Ms. Ladas pull up stakes give the student a 90 percent without the student achieving it. Achieving a last requires time and total commitment. Attending class regularly would be a great way to test the teacher that you ar willing to learn. You brace to be active to learn and do well in the course to merit the mark you motive. As a wise man said, You cannot diffuse a book without learning something, ~ Confucius.\nIn this story, Tevya believes that he is the niftiest student compared to his colleagues in his philosophical system class. Moishe, the agent of epiphany, questions Tevya some the philosophy of Kant. Tevya without distrust stumbles, not discerning what to say. I personally think that, Tevya is so full of himself, thought he is the niftiest of all colleagues, thinking that it is satisfactory to not represent up to his lectures; Moishe proven him wrong by questioning him forever about Kant. What Moishe portrays towards Tevya, ... If you want to get a full essay, position it on our website:
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